At the Core
/What do you hold most dear in your life? When it comes down to the very core of who you are, what is it you hold most precious? There’s likely an answer that’s acceptable for the outside world, but it may not be the same as the one deep in your heart. Popular answers – my significant other, my children, my job, providing for my family, making a difference, being a good person. It can be scary to answer honestly because the truth is, the answer may not be something we want to admit, even to ourselves.
For the longest time, if I’m being honest, my answer would have been me. My life was what I held most dear. My ambitions. My checklist of what I wanted out of life. Education, career, husband, children, home, nice things. It’s what drove my life, what I spent my time, energy, money on. I bought into the “American dream” of what a fulfilled life looked like. And here’s what I find most terrifying, I was completely satisfied. Or at least, I thought I was. I had no idea my understanding of a full life, my understanding of living, was so empty. I was living a life in black and white when brilliant color was available.
The things of this world look really good. That’s what’s so deceptive about them. Money, vacations, career, even family, from the outside all look really good. But as we all know, family and relationships are hard. Vacations end. Careers change. Somehow, with all of it, there’s still a longing deep inside we often can’t quite put our finger on. So we keep chasing more. More money, more vacations, a new relationship, a new house, more stuff. What we all know in our minds to be true, there will never be enough. And yet, there’s the lie, the allure of the world, that maybe it will be enough if I just keep chasing.
What I can tell you honestly now, the very core of who I am, is Jesus. He has my soul. He has my heart. He has my mind. I have never felt more alive, more joyful, more at peace, more excited, more hopeful. And are you ready for the fun part? According to the world’s standards, I have less. My corporate career full of worldwide travel? No more. Designer handbag? On a shelf. The desire for more stuff? Sure, stuff is nice, but it’s not a desire. It’s not what I chase. What I desire most? More of God. My children to fall in love and experience Jesus as I have. For you, who are reading right now, to experience the love of Jesus and all it has to offer.
What does loving God and being in relationship with Him do in your life?
He transforms our hearts
He calms the storms
He takes our fears
He frees us from guilt
He keeps us safe
He heals the brokenness
He fills the emptiness
He brings joy, hope, laughter
He saves. From every hurt, every lie, every wound, every death, forever.
Jesus is home. He is what our hearts are deeply searching for. Once you discover him, you will want more of him. It will be the best, most satisfying, most rewarding, fulfilling, life giving chase of your life. If you haven’t yet experienced the love of Jesus, I encourage you today, to meet him. Simply click here to learn more about the extraordinary love of Jesus. If you know him, I encourage you to spend time with him. Take 30 minutes and sit with him. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Ask Him the hard question – God, are you the core of who I am? Have I let something or someone else become bigger than you? Will you speak to my heart and reveal what it is you want me to know?
He will speak to you – through His Word, through your conversations in prayer, through worship music. A new song I love that’s been on repeat can be found here.
Blessing you with experiencing the all-consuming, all-fulfilling, love of Jesus.