Happy "Accidents"

A few years ago, I started to experience some pain in my stomach. While noticeable, it wasn’t painful enough for me to feel I needed to do anything about it. A couple months went by and then I seemed to hurt my back somehow. I couldn’t point to a moment that triggered the back pain, but the muscles were seized, forcing my body to lean to one side. While it hurt to walk, I was most upset I wasn’t able to run. I realize that may sound weird. But running at that point in my life was a symbol of strength and survival. At the time, I had lost my marriage, I was figuring out how to be a single mom with three young boys and working a full-time job that was not supportive of single moms. I didn’t have a voice in what was happening in my personal life, and I was trying to hold on to what I could. So much was out of my control I was determined not to lose one more thing. 

After a week of not being able to run, I got myself in to the doctor. When the doc asked what was going on, I started with my back pain and then as an unimportant aside, I mentioned the stomach cramping. To my surprise the doctor had a simple recovery plan to resolve my back issue. The stomach pain was her concern, and she advised a follow-up with a specialist to figure out what was going on. I remember being surprised because truthfully, I just wanted to run again. The stomach thing was just something I mentioned since I was there. When I visited the specialist, he too was concerned. My symptoms, medical history, none of it added up. It was a mystery. He wasn’t a fan of mysteries so began running a number of tests. We’re talking all the things – blood work, ultrasounds, scopes. I was eventually diagnosed with bile reflux. What that meant was daily medication and a significant change in diet, both for the remainder of my life.

As a happy “accident”, during the testing, my doctor came across a precancerous polyp in my intestines. According to my doctor “it was in the worst place possible”. He said we were incredibly lucky to have found it. The test that discovered it isn’t normally run at that age and were it not for the stomach issue, we wouldn’t have found it until I was showing symptoms of cancer and by that time, because of the location, he believed it would have spread and been too late to do anything about it.

Fast forward one month from the diagnosis. I’m back at the doctor for a follow-up and we’re discussing my symptoms from the bile reflux. Except, I didn’t have any more symptoms. They were all gone. I walked out of his office no longer needing medication, something he had never seen with any of his patients. Were the symptoms being managed by diet? Nope. I was eating the same foods I was eating when the stomach pains began. It was a mystery to him. A happy outcome, but a mystery, nonetheless.

The next day I was out for a run and processing all that had happened. All of a sudden everything clicked into place. I saw God’s hand in all of it. The stomach pains were there to get me to the doctor so the precancer could be removed. I was ignoring the stomach pains so he allowed a back problem he knew would have me make an appointment to see the doctor and ultimately, get the precancer removed. He was looking out for me. Taking care of me. Allowing things to happen that were painful for a little while, but ultimately blessed me and in this case, saved my life. Now, could God have healed me in hundreds of different ways? Of course. He could have taken care of the precancer by just making it go away. He could have never allowed the precancer to form in the first place. I’ll be honest though, I’m so grateful for how it unfolded. It was a gift. As mentioned in a previous post, I have a number of medical conditions and three areas of my body that doctors actively monitor for cancer. And yet, I have no worries about any of them. I have complete peace.

God gave me a beautiful example, a happy “accident”, that takes away any fears with my health, that in truth takes away every fear I face in this life. He’s given me evidence of His love, His protection, His presence, His faithfulness. There’s a verse in the Bible, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8) Whenever I’m dealing with my medical issues, receive a less than stellar diagnosis, I remember how God has shown up in the past, who he is. He is our loving Father. He has shown his steadfast love in every moment of my life. The things that don’t make sense? The things that hurt or are scary? God’s got it. He takes the fear and pain and gives me his peace. Even when I’m in the middle of it. It doesn’t mean there aren’t moments of fear, but when they arise, I go to him, I give it to him in prayer, I talk to him about it. And he always gives me his peace.

I pray this is an encouragement. I pray you’ve been able to see God’s hand in the happy “accidents” of your life. Will you do an experiment with me? (I promise - I’m going to do it right after I finish writing this.) Let’s ask God to reveal an area that is a struggle in our lives and how he sees it. You can pray:

Jesus, I’m struggling with ____ (work, my relationship, anxiety, etc.). How do you want me to see it? What do you want me to know?

If entering into conversation with God is new to you or you feel you haven’t yet heard his voice, we have a post on learning to hear it here.

Blessing each of you with peace, joy, hope in Jesus, seeing God’s hand, feeling his presence and love for you.