Enemy Lies

Have you ever taken the love languages test? It’s a quiz that helps you identify how you naturally communicate love and how your loved ones, if they also take it, receive love. My natural way to express love is through words of encouragement, physical touch, and quality time. What that means to my boys…there hasn’t been a day we’ve spent together when they haven’t heard how much they’re loved or received hugs and affection. We have beautiful and playful disagreements over who loves the other more. While I have three boys who often roll their eyes at hearing how much I love them, I can also tell you statements I hear them say…

I suck

I’m terrible

No one wants me 

I’m damaged

Right now, as I write, I see an image of my son from the other day, his eyes filled with tears, head down as he confesses his hurt belief about himself “I suck. I’m terrible at everything.”. As a mom, this not only hurts my heart, but more than that, it makes me angry. While the boys fight with one another, these are not things they say to each other. These are not statements their father or I have ever said. They haven’t been to school in nearly a year so it’s not coming from peers. The kids are being fed vicious lies that hurt them, make them question their worth, make them doubt how loved they are. So where are the lies coming from?

It wasn’t until I had children that I realized how real, destructive, and relentless our enemy is. In the Bible we are warned “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” To devour is to destroy completely. The enemy is also compared to a thief whose goal is to seek, kill, destroy. (John 10:10). A third description of the enemy is “a murderer, who from the beginning had no truth in him…a liar who is the Father of lies.” (John 8:44) 

The last description tells us two things – the enemy speaks and what he speaks are lies - untrue statements intended to deceive and destroy. What makes these lies so destructive is that the lies begin before we’re even aware we’re being lied to. They often sound like thoughts in our minds. My youngest is ten. Something about this last year has led to an increase in the enemy’s attack of lies. If I could hazard a guess, the enemy leveraged the stress and challenges that have come with the pandemic and distance learning to double down on his attacks. And as much as my son hears from his parents how much he’s loved, it doesn’t prevent him from hearing the lies. As many of us have experienced, negative thoughts/statements, they hurt. And often they seem to stay with us throughout our lives. 

I share this with you because our enemy is relentless. It makes me furious that his lies so often go unnoticed. That people walk around in pain, believing terrible things about themselves that simply aren’t true. If you’re reading this, I believe there is purpose in it. That there may be a lie the enemy is trying to make you believe that isn’t true. Will you do this experiment with me? Take three minutes, right now. Whether or not you know Jesus, you can ask the following: 

Jesus, is there a lie from the enemy I have come to believe? Will you reveal what it is?

Write down what you hear. It may sound like your own voice or thought in your head. You might also see a word in your mind or even get a picture from a memory.

The next question to ask: Jesus, what is the truth you want me to know?

Write down what you hear. The voice of Jesus will only be positive. If you hear something negative, that is the enemy trying to lie again. If that’s the case, you can pray: Jesus, I only want to hear from you. Enemy you are not allowed to speak. Jesus, what is the truth you want me to know?

Write down what you hear.

If there’s a lie you’ve come to believe, I’d like to you to take an additional step towards freedom and break agreement with the lie. A simple prayer you can pray:

I break agreement with the lie that I am _____. I agree with the truth Jesus revealed, that I am loved and I am ____. Thank you Jesus for revealing this truth. Amen.

While the world we live in is broken, we do not have to walk around in pain. We are not meant to. I pray you find truth and freedom in today’s experiment. I pray you continue to spot the enemy lies, shut them down, and hear Jesus speak his love and encouragement over you daily. If you’re interested in learning more about prayer or would like additional resources on hearing God’s voice, simply email blog@calvarylg.com.

Blessing you with truth, peace, hope and joy.