Upcoming Events //

Hume Lake Interest Form Opens // February 10th, 9am
Our Hume Lake trip will be here before you know it! We believe camps are such a meaningful way for students to step away from the day-to-day norm and focus on who God is, what He’s doing, and how they can draw closer to Him. We will head up to Hume Lake from July 13-19, and it will cost of $996. It is open to incoming 6th-12th graders. An interest form will be available on February 10th at 9am.

Last Wednesday Event: Escape Room // February 26th, 7-8:30pm
Throughout the school year, we’re hosting a “Last Wednesday” event each month. In February, Jacob and Tyler will be creating an Escape Room out of our church building. It’s sure to be a blast, so invite a friend!


Weekly Fun

Wednesday Groups, 7-8:30pm
during the school year

Hang out with friends, have fun, talk about life, and learn about Jesus with trusted & amazing adult leaders.

Groups take place from fall to summer and all are welcome.

In the summer students have the opportunity to attend camp and fun events with friends. Stay in the know of all that’s going on by signing up for texts or emails here.

Sunday Mornings, 11am

Students come together to worship, hear a message relevant to daily life, and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Come as you are. You’re welcome to bring a friend (and caffeine!).


Stay Connected

Students face so many challenges today. We’re here to come alongside them, celebrate their milestones, and walk alongside them through the tough stuff. We’d love to get to know your student. Whether he or she comes to Wednesday night groups, Sunday morning service, or would like to reach out to us on Instagram, we’d love to get to know your son or daughter and welcome him or her to our Calvary family!

Sign up for text message and email updates here.

Student Milestones

Our Family Ministries have identified 6 major milestones for our church community where we can celebrate important life transitions and equip families by encouraging discussions around the challenges of raising a family in faith. Below are 2 milestones dedicated to our Students:

8th Grade Milestone:
Introducing and reinforcing the basis of the Christian faith. Spring of 8th grade year.

Senior Milestone:
Commissioning our graduates to love God, love others, and serve His world.

To learn more about Calvary Kids Milestones, click here.


Ministry Staff

Jacob Messersmith
Middle school pastor

High School Pastor

Cori Reed
family ministries pastor

We’d Love to Connect

Follow us on Instagram: @msmcalvary @hsmcalvary

For general information email students@calvarylg.com

Sign up for weekly text updates.



6th grade: Text @2026clg to 81010

7th grade: Text @2025clg to 81010

8th grade: Text @2024clg to 81010



Freshmen: Text @lghsm2028 to 81010

Sophomores: Text @lghsm2027 to 81010

Juniors: Text @lghsm2026 to 81010

Seniors: Text @lghsm2025 to 81010