Power Within

Last week I shared my deep conviction I was meant to be a superhero. Granted, I was 5 years old at the time. And yet, I remember as clearly as if it were yesterday, the undeniable belief and knowledge there was a power deep within me I was meant to use. It was special, it was powerful, it was beyond what I could do in my own strength. I thought that power meant I was supposed to be Wonder Woman. What I know now, I was being called into something so much better. Beyond anything I could possibly imagine, greater than any dream, hope, ambition, desire. I was being invited into God’s presence. To know His Holy Spirit that dwells in me. It would take decades for me to understand who Holy Spirit is, the power of Holy Spirit, and that I was absolutely meant to use Holy Spirit’s power daily.

For those who may not have heard of Holy Spirit, it is God’s Spirit you receive when you accept Jesus. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, the Spirit of God comes upon us and lives in us. (Acts 2:38) For decades I honestly didn’t know who Holy Spirit was. I thought of it similar to an organ in my body. I knew it was in me, but I didn’t know its role, what it did, what it meant to have Holy Spirit inside of me. I wasn’t aware when I was going through a hard time and felt God’s comfort, that was Holy Spirit. When someone was put on my heart I hadn’t talked to in ages and felt the urge to reach out and check-in, that was Holy Spirit. When I was in a situation and had an unmistakable feeling I was not physically safe and needed to leave, Holy Spirit was guiding me and protecting me. 

I have friends I’ve shared these experiences with and have heard them respond saying those were simply my instincts. That it was just “me” and how did I know it was Holy Spirit. I’ve learned to identify Holy Spirit’s work and power in me as Holy Spirit does what I, on my own, could never do.  

His Spirit in me allows me to forgive what in my human perspective feels unforgivable

His Spirit in me that allows me to feel hope and peace in the midst of horrible circumstances 

His Spirit in me that guides me. Guiding me to forgive when I want to stay angry, to give when I want to take, to be kind and loving to those who’ve offended and hurt me

His Spirit in me that speaks – prompting me to pray for others and prompting me to take action

His Spirit in me that heals – praying physical healing over someone and witnessing the person healed 

Friends, I could do none of that in my own strength. Only Holy Spirit in me makes that possible. Holy Spirit is alive and active today. But it takes learning to recognize Holy Spirit and responding to Holy Spirit to grow in your relationship and regularly experience Holy Spirit’s presence and power. I learned to recognize Holy Spirit in me when I would have seemingly random urges to reach out to someone and share a note of encouragement. A person would come to mind, and I would feel the need to reach out and check-in, often times with a song for them to listen to. Time and time again I would receive immediate responses with “How did you know?” or “This was just what I needed to hear.” I learned Holy Spirit was guiding me and using me to bring encouragement and comfort to others. There was no possible way for me to know someone I hadn’t spoken to in months was going through a hard time. But Holy Spirit knew. The more I stepped into those seemingly random urges to share a note of encouragement, song, or check-in, the more promptings I received from Holy Spirit, and the more my confidence grew in hearing Holy Spirit.

It’s hard to describe how it feels when Holy Spirit is guiding and actively using you for God’s purposes. It is pure joy. It’s awe and wonder. God’s Spirit, in us, speaking, guiding, blessing us and others. It’s so beautiful and powerful. For those who don’t know Jesus and want to know more, if you want to receive Him as your Savior and receive Holy Spirit, I encourage you to visit calvarylg.com/Jesus. For those who have Holy Spirit in you, I encourage you to step into Holy Spirit’s promptings this week. A prayer you can pray:

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son Jesus and Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, I want to be guided by you and used by you. Will you show me if there’s someone you want me to reach out to? Is there a word of encouragement you’d like me to share? A verse or a song?

I encourage you to write down what you hear and share it with the person. As you go through the week and someone comes to mind, I encourage you to pray, ask Holy Spirit if this is someone you’re being led to reach out to and encourage, and then take action. You may be the person Holy Spirit is using to bring just the right word of encouragement at just the right time.

Blessing you with an overflow of God’s presence, Holy Spirit working in and through you, joy and peace.