/My friends, what is it that you’re carrying? I’d love for you to take a moment right now to pause and ask yourself the question. What burden am I carrying?
What was it that came up for you? Is it stress? Fatigue? Worry? Fear? Shame? Regrets? A lost relationship? A battle you’re fighting?
I don’t know a soul who would argue that life is hard. That there is a cost that comes with living in this world. Things that weigh us down. Stress – a 50 lb weight on our shoulders. Heartache over a lost relationship, worry for your family, feeling unseen or unloved, a 200 lb weight. Fear and shame? More weight. It can be so hard to do life carrying around all that weight. Smiles can feel small or forced. Happiness short-lived. Hope feels distant and out of reach. We can’t live the lives we were meant to live carrying around this weight.
Friends, we are not meant to carry this weight. Is the weight real? Yes. But there is a way out. There is certain hope available. There is someone who is with you right now, whose love for you is impossible to comprehend, who sees every part of who you are and LOVES you. There is no shame. There is no regret. There is not one moment of your life when He’s been separated from you. He is the way out from the pain. He is the truth. He is life. He is able to take all the weight you’re carrying and effortlessly remove it from your shoulders. More than able, it’s his desire to take the weight. To carry the burdens you’re carrying that you were never meant to carry.
I say all of this to you not as someone who simply believes in Jesus. I say this to you as someone who has experienced the healing, restoration, wholeness, and joy of Jesus. He has brought healing to my deepest wounds. He has taken my shame and regrets and told me not only am I forgiven, but I am precious to Him. He does not hold my mistakes against me. He gives me absolute, permanent hope. That no matter how dark things may look, I just need to lift my eyes to him, go to him, and he will take it. Friends you are precious to him. His heart breaks for the pain and weight you’re carrying. He wants so desperately to take it from you. Will you let him?
For those who don’t know Jesus, accepting him into your life is the first step. Will you take a moment, right now, and simply click here to take this step? Inviting Jesus into your life will be the best thing you do today, or ever for that matter, I promise you.
For those who know Jesus and are carrying burdens, friends what if we all gave them to Jesus today? Whether it’s a 5 lb weight or 200 lbs, Jesus wants us to go to Him, to trust Him, to give him what we’re carrying and watch what he does for us in return. He will bring light to the darkness. He will bring hope where there was fear. He will bring peace where there was worry. Even if the circumstances haven’t changed, Jesus can change how we see and feel about it. We have the gift of having the most amazing, giving, loving, powerful God. Nothing is out of his hands or reach. He does the impossible. Let’s let him do what may feel impossible in our eyes. Take all that we’re carrying and let us be witnesses to His life changing peace, hope, power, goodness.
I encourage you, right now, to go to him in prayer. In your own words give him what you’re carrying and ask him what he wants to give you in return. Rest in His presence and His love. I am praying for you all. May you be blessed with feeling His all-consuming love for you.