/If you’ve read even two of these blog posts, you will have heard me mention the peace and hope of Jesus. That what Jesus offers is peace. But if my life were a reality show, if there were cameras that aired my day-to-day, no one would say “now that’s a peaceful life”. You would see life. Worry, fear, anger, frustration, stress, tears. You might think, this girl is full of it. What a hypocrite. She talks about Jesus. She talks about the peace and hope she has. Then how do you explain the tears? How do you explain the anger at that situation? What about that fear? How can she be scared when she says there isn’t fear with Jesus? Seems like she’s selling something she can’t back up.
What cameras would have shown you this week was a serious conversation with my husband about my health. From the outside, I imagine you would have spotted the underlying fear before I was able to recognize it. June is the month my battery of exams resumes. Blood work, ultrasounds, test results. The thoughts in my mind…what if cancer is already in my body? What if it formed in the last year and has already spread? What if I need to have surgery? What if the tests are inclusive? What are the dangers if we wait another six months before we do something? The questions are real. The fear that rose inside as my mind processed each question; that fear was real. Knowing Jesus, trusting Jesus, didn’t stop the questions from coming or the fear from rising. But it did change what happened next.
As I sat there, tears welling, fears rising, I intentionally set my mind on Jesus. The first thought, how often the Bible says “do not fear”. It’s the most repeated command in the Bible. It’s written again and again as encouragement. To remind us we will feel fear in this world, but we can trust him. That whatever we face, God will see us through. As my mind went through the various scenarios of the potential outcomes, I reminded myself of who Jesus is. He is my comforter, my counselor. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Isaiah 6:9). That when we’re faced with a decision, Jesus is there to offer guidance. That when I’m faced with those feelings of fear, Jesus is there to bring his comfort. That in the very moment I was in, feeling the weight of the unknowns and what’s up ahead, Jesus was there, in that same moment, to take those fears and bring me peace.
The peace I speak of, it’s not this removed from the realities and pain of this world state of mind that just exists because I believe in Jesus. What it is, is a relationship. It’s someone I go to, bring my problems to, bring my decisions to, who guides me, comforts me, lets me know that whatever it is, he loves me and it’s going to be ok. It’s 24/7 access to the wisest, most loving, most powerful being in this world who also happens to be our Father. Who is available at any moment to be there for us. Whose compassion and whose love are unmatched.
The reality is Jesus is with us. He’s with me and He’s with you, right at this very moment. But, here’s the catch and I will openly admit there is a catch. As I sat worried about my situation, Jesus didn’t just bring me peace. It involved action on my end. I needed to go to him. Oh, and how He met me in that moment. He brought me his peace letting me know that regardless of what is ahead, He’s got me. And that as I continue in this life, whatever happens, He will always be there and will always see me through.
If I don’t go to Jesus, the peace doesn’t happen. It’s honestly that simple. We need to go to him. We need to seek Him and invite Him into our lives. The love Jesus has for us, His indescribable, immeasurable love, is available for each and every one of us. Right now, as you sit there reading, Jesus is with you. He wants you to know His love for you. He wants you to lift your eyes to Him. Invite Him into your life and to what you’re facing. Will you do that? A simple prayer you can pray:
Jesus, I invite you in. Into my heart, into my life. Help me to know you, depend on you, seek you, and hear you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you’ve never given your life to Jesus, I encourage you to visit here. If you know Jesus and want to go deeper in your relationship, I encourage you to visit here. If we can be praying for you, we’d be honored to do so. Simply email Whether you write a request or not, please know I am praying for you.
Blessing you with His peace, His presence and knowing how deeply you’re loved.