Seeking Peace

This season of covid has been hard. Hard for us all and in various ways. The range of emotions and experiences are so vast and varied. I have people in my life who are terrified, others who have lost jobs and struggling financially, others who are sick with the virus, and others who are holding up ok. In this season, what I’ve found I’m most grateful for, what I cannot imagine living without, is faith in God. I cling to my faith daily, not only because I’m a parent with five kids distance learning, but also because this world is broken and difficult. I cling to my faith because I would be lost without it. I honestly think without it, I would be an unhinged, unkind, emotional wrecking ball. 

In a conversation with friends yesterday, we were discussing broken dreams. Four adults and between us we’d experienced broken plans, broken marriages, depression and suicide, physical and emotional abuse, being laid off at work, miscarriage, struggles with our kids. We were unanimous in our experience that in this world, it’s just a matter of time before you experience brokenness of some kind. It’s in those moments where what matters, what really matters, seems to come into focus. It was in those moments of my life, when loss and pain seemed to be at their peak, where peace was not only deeply desired, it seemed both unattainable and priceless. 

Peace is defined as “freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions.” I’ve got both wonderful news about peace and potentially less wonderful news. The wonderful news? Peace is available to you. Daily. The less wonderful news? It’s not automatic. And what may be surprising is what I’m going to say next. Faith does not equal peace. I wish it were the case. It would’ve been lovely if the moment where I finally realized I was not in charge, surrendered my hands in the air and told God he was in charge, that all that came after was a beautiful, serene, peaceful life. But the reality is, that’s just not the world we live in. And the level of peace in my life is directly correlated to one thing - how often I’m seeking and giving my circumstances to God.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”. I love these two verses. Because in practice, these two verses, have taken the roughest of storms and turned them into calm waters. God really will bring peace that transcends understanding and circumstance. When the circumstances around us are a giant mess, perhaps a pandemic with worsening conditions at the holidays, there is peace that is both available and attainable.

So how do you get this peace? It requires seeking God. It requires trusting God. And it requires giving the circumstances to God. If you are willing to seek God in prayer and give the situation to him, even without the situation being resolved, there is a peace he will give you. The peace that surpasses circumstance. A simple prayer you can pray:

“God, this season is hard. I am hurting/worried/sad. Will you take this from me and bring me your peace? In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Friends, the truth of the matter is, it’s likely not a one-time exchange. I find myself having to give my circumstances to God daily and often multiple times a day. It depends on how challenging the situation is. It’s become a new reflex where whatever I’m facing, my first line of defense is to quickly pray, “God, I’m giving you ___. Will you give me your peace in exchange?”. It doesn’t take long from when I say this prayer to when I will feel the weight of what I’m carrying lift. 

I encourage you, whether you’ve prayed throughout your life or have never prayed before, to pray the above prayer today. There is no risk, nothing to lose, and only peace to gain. If you feel overwhelmed by circumstances, please know you are not alone and we would love to pray alongside you. Simply email and we would be honored to lift you in prayer.

Praying blessings of joy, health, and peace.