Lies of the Enemy

In the last post we discussed the power of labels and how in our broken world, people will label us and call us names that can not only hurt, but also stay with us. We often believe what we are told, particularly if it’s said repeatedly or comes from someone close to us. It’s a gift when it’s encouraging. If we’re told we’re smart, kind, loved we will come to believe that. The opposite is also true. Unfortunately, it takes less instances of being told something negative to believe it than it does something positive. In psychology they call it a “negative bias”. This bias is “the tendency not only to register negative stimuli more readily but also to dwell on these events…this negativity bias means we feel the sting of a rebuke more powerfully than we feel the joy of praise.”[1]

For anyone who’s lived even a decade, this truth is likely known and experienced. We’ve likely been told by a well-meaning person in our lives that “it’s part of life” in an attempt to get us to move past a negative label that may be hurting us. What’s not commonly discussed is that there is a very real spiritual component to the labels we’re given by others, as well as the negative thoughts that may be in our minds. There is a source behind it. It is the enemy and his goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10). But what does that mean? 

The enemy wants to keep you worried, stressed, feeling horrible about yourself. He wants to place you in captivity, in a prison cell of his making, by believing negative labels others have given you and negative thoughts that may be in your mind. But why? What does he gain? When we believe the lies, we are weighed down. The light in us is diminished. We walk around in pain. We are in an emotional prison cell, limited in what we can do, the life we can live. But when we believe the truth of God’s word, who God says we are, there is freedom. The light in us, rather than a faint glimmer, becomes a brilliant torch. 

In the Bible, God shows us he created us in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139: 13) With love, precision, and purpose, he made you. Who you are, your characteristics, your demeanor, the way you think, the qualities of who you are and how he made you, the enemy has been trying to snuff them out, to put a negative spin on them. An example from my life I mentioned in the last post was that I was called stubborn throughout my lifetime. It was always used as a negative to tear me down and make me feel bad about myself. In God’s hands, that stubbornness is turned into faithfulness. It is unceasing prayer. That despite my circumstances or what I see with physical eyes, that I trust God and press on. 

Friends, you are a gift. Your life is so precious. Who you are, God made you exactly that way because he has a very special plan for your life. It is my prayer that today is the last day you will believe the lies of the enemy. If you didn’t get a chance to do the exercise from Tuesday, I encourage you to take five minutes and do it today. If there are any negative thoughts or beliefs you have about yourself, this exercise can help bring freedom. A follow-up exercise for today, is one that will focus on the positive. Will you take a moment, right now, and grab a piece of paper? Write down “I am….” and fill it with what comes to mind. How your best friend would describe you, how your loved ones describe you, how God thinks of you (loved, worthy, known, and so many more!). 

God loves you. He loves you beyond measure and beyond our comprehension. When we accept his love, when we see ourselves as He sees us, there is such joy and peace. I encourage you to keep the paper that has the positive descriptions. I also encourage you, if a negative thought about yourself comes to mind, to stop that thought in its tracks. Declare that thought a lie. It’s as simple as “I am not ___. I am loved.”

Finally, if you feel up to it, I encourage you to pray:

“God, I want to experience your love. I want to be free from any lies of the enemy and see myself as you see me. Will you help me to know you and feel your love? In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Praying blessings of peace, hope, and knowing how worthy and deeply loved you are.
