Jesus Speaks

As a child, I was plagued with nightmares both vivid and terrifying. I remember one where hundreds of spiders were crawling all over me. The dreams were scary and made me afraid to sleep for years. My childhood bedroom was near our family room where my dad would watch TV after I’d gone to bed. I found out later he would hear me cry out in my nightmares and would come to comfort me. One night, I had woken myself up from crying out and could hear my dad on his way to my room. For reasons unknown, I pretended I was asleep. What a gift that was. As he sat on the edge of my bed, I heard his voice, full of love, comfort me. Telling me it was going to be ok. That he was there and wasn’t going to let anything happen to me. More than feeling safe, I remember feeling so very loved. 

While I knew my dad loved me, there was something about hearing his voice speak that love over me, that has forever stayed with me. It changed how I felt about myself. As pain and difficult circumstances hit my life, there was a comfort and strength I found in knowing I was loved. Friends, this is what God offers us. God speaks. We see throughout the Bible that God speaks. He spoke to people in dreams, visions, prayer, and many times we see God speak as people were simply going about their day. There are two lies the enemy loves to speak, lies I’m willing to bet you’ve heard about hearing God. 

Lie #1: God doesn’t speak. 

Lie #2: You can’t hear him. 

I have a precious friend that just last week said to me, “I don’t hear from him like you do. I think God gave you a gift I don’t have.” I hate this lie from the enemy because it’s simply not true. I assured him it wasn’t a gift and he could hear him too. He looked at me and I could tell no part of him believed what I was saying. A few days later we sat down together in prayer. We invited Jesus into our prayer time, to speak to my friend. Sure enough, my friend heard from Jesus. And in that time, Jesus spoke to him about what only Jesus could. Wounds he was carrying from the past that Jesus didn’t want him holding onto. His wound was ten years old. He didn’t want it in his life anymore. Jesus, in his love and compassion, took that wound and healed it as only Jesus could do. He then spoke his love and encouragement over him. 

Jesus speaks. He knows your heart. He knows your pain and struggles. More than that, he wants to comfort you, encourage you, heal the wounds from your past and present. He wants you to know you are forgiven, you are loved, he sees you and is with you. Hearing his voice will change your life. He will speak to you every day, throughout the day, if you open your heart and your life to him and invite him in. 

If you don’t yet know Jesus, I encourage you to meet him today. Simply click here and meet the one who changes everything. For all, I encourage you to sit with him, speak to him and listen for his voice today. A simple exercise to get you started, carve out ten minutes today to sit with him. For many, it’s helpful to have a piece of paper and pen so that as you hear him, you can write down what you’re hearing before your mind has a chance to tell you it wasn’t him. It’s also very special to go back and read the beautiful words Jesus has spoken over you. From there, simply close your eyes and pray “Jesus, I want to hear your voice. I invite you in. Jesus, are you here?” You may either hear a voice that sounds like your own immediately respond or you might see the word in your mind. From there you can ask a second question “Jesus, what is it you love about me?” Wait and let him respond. I encourage you to write down what you hear. Another question I love to ask, “Jesus, what do you want me to know?”. If in this time, you hear anything negative or that contradicts scripture, that is not Jesus. We know he does not condemn. God is love and he longs to speak his love over you. If you have questions or would like additional resources, we’re here for you! Simply email

Blessing you with the joy of hearing his voice.