Apprentice of Jesus; Do what Jesus Did



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Podcast: Practicing the Way // Do as Jesus Did

Explore how to approach everyday moments with the same power and perspective that guided Jesus. As we create space for the Spirit to form us, we increasingly respond as Jesus would within our unique vocations, relationships, and life situations.

Study: The Bible Project // Holy Spirit in the New Testament

An overview of how God's Spirit is understood in the New Testament.


Spiritual Formation Pages 89-92
Practicing the Way Pages 125-155



active tools for spiritual formation


Take the Solitude Practice course through your Practicing the Way account.

Distraction is one of the greatest threats to spiritual health in the modern world. We all feel it — we’re bombarded by noise like never before. Jesus has an invitation for us: Step away from it all to be alone with him, for the sake of our souls and the sake of others.