The Gospel According to Jesus
“The Plan of Salvation leads to one thing and to one thing only: salvation... it doesn’t lead inexorably to a life of justice or goodness or loving-kindness. If it did, all Christians would be more just and more filled with goodness and drenched in love.” ”
participation for everyone
dive in further
The Bible Project showing how the Gospels connect the overall story of the Bible to Jesus.
A word study from the Bible Project on the deep and rich meaning of the word "euangelion".
A sermon from the Founder of Bible Project, Tim Mackie, in 2017 looking at how the Good News impacts the way we live.
Practicing the Way Pages xi-27
active tools for spiritual formation
Complete the Spiritual Health Reflection through your Practicing the Way account.
The Spiritual Health Reflection helps you thoughtfully examine the question, “Am I becoming more like Jesus?” and identify next steps in your apprenticeship to Jesus.