
Guest Post by Joy Yankey

Throughout this pandemic season, my mind has spent way too much time spinning. I have allowed the “what if’s” and maybes to run rampant. My coping mechanism is to avoid and shut down. So instead of dealing with my emotions honestly before God and others, I choose solitaire, sudoku, food and/or a Netflix show. And while none of these in and of themselves are bad, my heart knows when I’m choosing them instead of sitting honestly with Our Father.

Last week I found myself in that place again. Overwhelmed with concerns and decisions for and around declining elderly parents, and my granddaughter and son-in-law being diagnosed with Covid, I listened to my fears and allowed them to take hold. Then I shamed myself for stressing over these small issues compared to our Afghani sisters and brothers running for their lives and those who have wildfires in their backyards. And while I did reach out to a couple friends to pray, I once again chose to fritter away my time with mindless activities rather than sitting with God in all my heartache.

But God had other plans. Friday mornings at Calvary are a sweet time where several of us gather in the worship center to worship and pray together. We start our time in worship: music playing over a speaker as we spend time praising our Father. Later we come together and pray out loud for Calvary, for our world, for whatever the Spirit lays on our hearts. These planned times of corporate prayer help realign our hearts to His as we praise Him and bring our burdens to Him. As our time that morning was wrapping up with only a few of us remaining, a dear friend reached over and said they wanted to specifically pray over me and my family. I proceeded to weep while these three prayed for me and for those so near and dear to my heart. 

God reminded me in those moments that I’m not alone (which I know but I constantly need that reminder!), that I have brothers and sisters in Christ who want to link arms with me, pray with and for me, that none of us are meant to carry our burdens alone, and that I need accountability. Why do I so quickly fall for and listen to the lies of the enemy saying that it’s all on me, it’s my fault, I should be able to handle it myself, or that others are too busy? 

When others are vulnerable and share their heartaches with me, I am honored and want to lift them to Our Father. In the same way I want to grow in my vulnerability, more quickly inviting others to walk alongside me. This is Church: brothers and sisters walking together through celebrations and heartaches, coming together so no one journeys alone. I pray that we the people of Calvary will grow in our listening, love, and vulnerability with and for one other, allowing others into our tender places so that we, the body of Christ, will grow and be strengthened. 

We would love to have you join us on a Friday morning for worship and prayer! We meet at 8:30am in the Worship Center. If you would like to be added to our Friday prayer email, receive a weekly reminder and prayer requests, simply email prayer@calvarylg.com

Joy is a precious friend and fellow staff member. Both sharing a heart for prayer, she was one of the first people I met when God led me to Calvary. Thank you Joy for your courage, your vulnerability, and most of all your heart. The purpose of this blog is to share the transforming and life-changing love of Jesus. Every story matters. If you feel a pull to share your story, I would love to hear it. Simply email blog@calvarylg.com.