/Being a Christian isn’t easy. Somehow and at some point, a rumor went around that believing in Jesus meant your life was supposed to be easy and only good things were supposed to happen. At least that’s what I believed. A ridiculous math equation I made up where:
God is good + I believe in God = my life will be good (without pain & struggles)
What’s amazing, my children have come to believe this rumor, even though it’s never been taught in our home. In the last year, my sweet baby boy has had trouble sleeping. It worries him. I encouraged him we should pray on it, that God will help. This past weekend he was at his dad’s house and after a night of not sleeping well, he texted me angry with God. “God didn’t answer my prayer. Shocker.” He felt let down by God and was angry with him. Back to the math equation now rewritten based off his unanswered prayer:
I believe in God + my life is not good = God is good (?)
His prayer wasn’t answered. He asked for help with something he’s struggling with. “If God is a good God, why didn’t he answer the prayer? It must mean God doesn’t care, or God doesn’t care about me, or God isn’t good.” I think if we’re honest, we can all identify with my little one’s raw feelings. In my pain, I’ve come to God angry and hurt asking “why? Why do I have to face this horrible situation? Why do I have to experience this pain? Why God?”.
Here’s what I can tell you and what I told my son. God does not cause our pain. God is good. He is only good. He loves us, to a depth we will never understand. We tend to forget we live in a broken world. God never promises our lives will be easy. In fact, he tells us in His word that, make no mistake, we will have trouble. But to take heart, for he has overcome the world. (John 16:33). In that same verse he also promises us his peace. The peace isn’t automatic. It requires us going to him, inviting him into the situation, giving him our pain and asking for his peace. Friends, I’ve never come back empty. It’s the best exchange and Jesus always delivers. It hasn’t always been in my timing, because I want everything handled yesterday. But again and again, he gives me his peace despite the struggles, the unresolved situations, the unanswered questions and the not yet answered prayers. The equation I know to be true:
God is good + I believe in God = I am loved. I am His.
That last part of the equation…friends, it’s everything. When we are His, that is the best answer we could ever hope for. Because it truly means everything will be ok. No matter what we face. No matter how great the pain, it will be ok because we are His. We are saved. Our forever is with Him. So while we will have trouble in this world, everything will truly be ok. Better than ok, as we have peace available to us in the midst of our pain and while we live in this broken world.
If you’re going through a hard time, I encourage you to go to Jesus today, invite him in. A simple prayer you can pray: Jesus, I am hurting. I need your help. I don’t want to carry this pain any longer. Will you take this from me and bring me your comfort and your peace? In Jesus name, Amen.
If we can be praying for you, we’d be honored to do so. Simply email and we will join you in seeking His peace and resolution to whatever you may be facing.
Blessing you with peace and hope in Him.