As we saw in the Rescued series, the things of Egypt continued to creep into the lives of the Israelites. Even though they were free from the oppressor, the effects continued to remain and creep in. We too carry things from our past that continue to be in our pack. God invites us to Nasah, to pick up and carry His name, His truth, His character into all the situations of life. We will explore The Things We Carry through this Lenten season.
The Things We Carry | Mar. 23, 2025
This week, Kristi Gill spoke about the things we carry in our packs to quench our thirst for meaning, to fill the longing within us, where we find our identity and sense of value. God created us in His image, giving us identity and purpose, but we often fill that space with other things. Though we may try to soothe our longing with them, they ultimately leave us empty. Our true calling is to fully step into the identity God has given us, one that cannot be earned or taken away.
The Things We Carry | Mar. 16, 2025
This week, Pastor Dale continued The Things We Carry by exploring the things we’ve inherited from previous generations, whether we asked for them or not. The blessings, sins, and patterns of our families, going back generations, can profoundly shape who we are today. At the same time, following Jesus well means putting off the sinful patterns of our family of origin and relearning how to live in God’s way as part of His family.
The Things We Carry | Mar. 9, 2025
This Sunday, Pastor Dale kicked off The Things We Carry by unpacking the Biblical idea of nasah: to take with us, pick up, lift, or carry. Along the way, we all pick up things—some inherited, some chosen, and some absorbed from the world around us. Whether it's generational burdens, attempts to satisfy deep longings, the relentless pace of Silicon Valley, or the tension between fatalism and faith, these things shape what we carry. But to move forward, we must assess what is in our pack, letting go of what weighs us down so we can nasah the name of God well.