Rescued | Mar. 2, 2025

As Pastor Dale wrapped up the Rescued series, we reflected on the end of Moses’ life and the legacy he left behind. In his final message, he challenged us with a question: What do we do when we feel deep disappointment and resentment? The good news is that even in our disappointment, we can find peace through Jesus. No painful circumstance in this life can compare to the weight of an eternity without Him. Yet, God meets us in our pain and invites us forward, saying, "Let’s go for a walk."


Rescued | Feb. 23, 2025

This week, Govind Prabhu continued the Rescued series, exploring how God moves and shapes a people, and how He invites us into that same story. He challenged us to consider the Israelites' response to God's invitation to experience Him up close. Rather than drawing near, they chose to keep their distance, outsourcing their relationship to Moses. Will we do the same, settling for distance out of fear or comfort? Or will we step into the invitation to know God personally?


Rescued | Feb. 16, 2025

This Sunday, Pastor Rob continued the Rescued series by exploring four key stories of the Israelites in the wilderness. These moments reveal God’s deep love and faithfulness as He shaped and guided His people, even when they longed to return to Egypt. It also invites us to reflect: Are we heading back to Egypt, or are we moving toward the Promised Land?


Rescued | Feb. 9, 2025

This Sunday, Pastor Dale spoke to us about Moses' staff, a symbol of divine presence and authority. God asks us to throw it down, letting go of what we have been relying on and then pick it up again, raising God's power against those in opposition to Him. Ultimately, God works through people who are willing to be held up and who are willing to hold up another.


Rescued | Feb. 2, 2025

This Sunday, Pastor Dale spoke about walking through the Wilderness. As he reminded us, God doesn’t just want to bring His people out of Egypt, He wants to get Egypt out of His people. That’s why He leads us through the Wilderness. In the Wilderness, God uses daily rhythms to heal us, feed us, and set us free—but we have to step out and gather.


Rescued | Jan. 26, 2025

This week in the Rescued series, Pastor Dale asked: What does it tuly mean to be free? Freedom is a journey, requiring us to leave something behind. God was not just getting the people out of Egypt, but getting Egypt out of the people, showing us that freedom from something opens the door to freedom to something greater.


Rescued | Jan. 19, 2025

This week, Danny continued the Rescued series. In this section of Exodus, we see how every revelation of God’s holiness is also a revelation of His nearness. He offers us an identity rooted in who He is, freeing us from the pressure to self-create or self-define. And He invites us into purpose, allowing Him to do through us what He has done in us.


Rescued | Jan. 12, 2025

This week, Pastor Dale walked us through the beginning of the Exodus story, reminding us that God’s methods often surprise us. It’s easy to focus on when God will move and miss the how. In the opening of Exodus, we see that God works in unpredictable and comprehensive ways, often using unexpected people and circumstances to fulfill His mission. Pastor Dale encouraged us to let go and trust, giving ourselves a front-row seat to God’s work. As you take faithful steps forward, you can trust Him to handle the rest.


Rescued | Jan. 5, 2025

This Sunday kicked off the new series, Rescued. Over the next nine weeks, Pastor Dale will walk us through the story of Exodus, a beautiful rescue story from the Old Testament. And one that is our story as well. This week, he provided an overview of what lies ahead, highlighting how Exodus is the story of humanity, intimacy, and freedom.