Always Known. Never Alone.

You are known. Whether or not you yet believe in Jesus, you are known. The Bible tells us he knit us in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13) That were we to know the number of thoughts he has for us, for each of us, it would be greater than the grains of sand on a beach. (Psalm 139:18) It would be easy to read that as only poetry. As a beautiful, loving idea, that there is someone who thinks about us that much. Because how could it be possible for someone to think about us in that way? To love us to that extent? It’s estimated that earth’s beaches have over 5,000 billion billion grains of sand. Impossible to imagine isn’t it? Impossible to comprehend. That is the God we have. That is the depth to which you are known and loved. It’s too great to understand and yet it’s true. For God is not human. Numbers 23:19 shows us “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”.

My prayer as you read this, is for you to know how deeply you are known and loved. For you to know there hasn’t been a moment of your life where you have been or will be alone. That whether or not you know Jesus or have accepted His love for you, that you are loved. So fully, so deeply, that the greatest of love from another human falls profoundly short. Jesus is with you. He sees you. His heart breaks for all the times you’ve felt unloved, unseen, alone. The enemy would have you believe that this isn’t true. I imagine the lie he’s telling you is that you didn’t feel Jesus’ presence so he couldn’t have been there. Or if He was real and was there, why did he let the painful experience happen? I won’t dare try and give a reason for why you’ve experienced the pain you have. What I do know is that whether or not you have faith, bad things happen. People hurt us. Our bodies fail us. That it is impossible to get through this life without experiencing pain. 

What I also know, is that if that pain is given to God, he will redeem that pain. He will turn the page and start a new chapter in your life. He will give you beauty for ashes. (Isaiah 61:3). He will make a way. You may be asking, “how?”. Particularly if it’s a situation that just seems impossible. We can give it to God through prayer. Prayer is simply a conversation aimed towards God. If you’ve never prayed before, now is the perfect time. If you’re struggling for the words to pray, I encourage you to pray whatever is on your heart. God knows what’s in your heart and he’s just waiting for you to give it to him. If you’d like, you are also welcome to pray the prayer below:

“Jesus, I need help. I don’t know how the situation I’m facing will turn out or even how it can be made better. I confess I don’t even know if my prayer will help. But I want to believe. I want to give it to you. I want to believe that you are here right now, ready and waiting to take what I’m facing and exchange the ashes for beauty, to give me peace that exceeds my circumstance. I give it to you and pray for your help. I pray to come to know you and feel the love I’ve heard about. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Faith is a journey. Wherever you are, I pray as you’ve read this post, you’ve felt His love for you. I pray as you go through this day, you are reminded again and again that You are known and You are loved. 

Praying blessings of peace, joy, and knowing how deeply loved you are.