Pastor Chip Ingram speaks into how we process this last year and what God is calling us to do as we go forward. He helps us as followers of Jesus, in our rapidly changing & challenging world, determine God's will and priority for our lives.


What Now? What Next? | Apr 11, 20212

This week, Pastor Chip taught us there is freedom God intended for us in our everyday lives, freedom in enjoying who God made us to be. But how do we experience that freedom in our day-to-day lives? As followers of Jesus, there are certain things we don't have to do. Equally, there are things we are responsible for. Below are the lists and corresponding verses we reviewed:

I am Free: I don’t have to be in control. (Psalm 46:10) I don’t have to hurry. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) I don’t have to fear. (2 Timothy 1:7) I don’t have to impress. (1 Corinthians 15:10) I don’t have to complain. (Philippians 2:14-16)

I am Responsible: I do have to submit. (Romans 12:1-2) I do have to listen. (Romans 8:2,12) I do have to love. (1 John 4:18) I do have to serve. (Mark 10:45 & Philippians 2:3-4) I do have to give thanks. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Pastor Chip encouraged us to take time each day and review the list and scriptures. What areas can we find freedom in and where can we take responsibility? Commit to one area to seek freedom in and the corresponding action where you can take responsibility.


What Now? What Next? | Apr 18, 2021

In today’s teaching, Pastor Chip provided practical questions and scripture to help us as we look at our lives as we come out of this pandemic and determine, “what do we do now?” As we look ahead, Pastor Chip provided even more challenging questions as we look to answer, “what next?” There is a question to ask (Revalations 2:2), a decision to make (Romans 12:1), and a path to follow (Romans 12:2). At the heart of it all, the most convicting questions for us all as sons and daughters: 1) Have I lost my first love? 2) Am I all in? 3) Is the world conforming me or am I transforming the world around me?

We encourage you to find time and sit with our Father in prayer. Ask the questions above and let Him speak to your heart. We know He longs to take our burdens and give us rest. For us to surrender to Him, trust Him, give Him all we have, and watch what He does with it. The God who takes 5 loaves, 2 fish, and feeds 5000. That is our Father who is calling to our hearts, asking us to lift our eyes, surrender, trust, and watch what He does with our lives. As Pastor Chip so beautifully stated, "God must be deeply in us before he works deeply through us."


What Now? What Next? | Apr 25, 2021

Today we looked at how major disruptions always bring conflict and change. That hostility to the gospel and to Christians is normal. Our response, however, should not be normal. We are called to bring healing. To love. To love our enemies. To respond, in all things, in love. We encourage you to find time and sit with our Father today in prayer. Ask Him: God, are there any areas in my life where I am living first as a citizen of America instead of first as a citizen of Heaven? Will you reveal the steps you'd like me to take, starting today, to begin living my life as first and foremost, a citizen of Heaven?


What Now? What Next? | May 2, 2021

This week, we looked at relationships and the need for authentic community. We see in Romans 12:9-13, Paul tells us how to have authentic community and gives us 13 ways, commands, on how to live out the love for one another that Jesus intends for our lives. "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Pastor Chip encouraged us to sit with our Father and seek His guidance on how we can prioritize people-centered relationships in our lives. A couple questions you can ask our Father: God, what is getting in the way of me experiencing authentic community in my life? Is there an action that you'd like me to take this week?  We encourage you to write down what you hear. Commit to taking the action God highlighted.


What Now? What Next? | May 9, 2021

Today we looked at how to respond when we are angry. Pastor Chip asked us to reflect on the last year - who have we been angry with? How does God want us to respond? We see in Romans 12:14-16, Paul gives us the answer: "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position."

Pastor Chip encouraged us to sit with our Father and seek His guidance on where we're holding onto anger in our lives. Where is there indignation that can be turned towards innovation? We encourage you to take time this week to read the article that accompanied this teaching and pray with our Father. Give yourself time to reflect and have God speak to your heart. We have the opportunity to forgive; the opportunity to bring God's response into our lives and our world in place of the anger and division that exists. God is calling us to step into His will and His priority for our lives today.


What Now? What Next? | May 16, 2021

Today, our teaching focused on the Word and our relationship with the Word. "Christianity is not about morality. It's about the presence of God. The most important thing that could ever happen is our knowing him. It starts by coming back to His Word."


What Now? What Next? | May 23, 2021

Our vision at Calvary, what God has led us to, is to introduce Silicon Valley to Jesus. How do we do that? What we heard from Pastor Chip in this series is a beautiful response to that question. It's about:

Christ not causes
Healing not hostility
Relationships not real estate
Innovation not indignation
Substance not success
Trust not technology

As the series concluded today, the question we've been challenged to ask ourselves - Will we be a part of it? We know God is building His church. That right now, at this moment, he is looking for hearts that are available, surrendered, willing to be used by Him and for Him. We encourage you to sit with our Father this week, read through Romans 12, and underline the words that stand out. Then sit with him in prayer, ask God to search your heart, and speak to you. A prayer you can pray: God, I am yours. I offer my life to you as a living sacrifice. Will you reveal to me how you want to use me for your Kingdom? In Jesus' name, Amen.