Think About How You’re Thinking | Oct 17, 2021
This week, we welcomed back Pastor Bob Thomas who taught a special message on growing into having the mind of Christ. He reminded us we need to Recognize Distortion, citing examples from the nations of Israel and Jesus' relationship with His disciples. Pastor Bob highlighted six examples of what create distorted thinking: 1) All or nothing thinking, 2) Emotional reasoning, 3) Discounting the positive, 4) Ascribing motive, 5) Catastrophizing, and 6) Comparing. He went on to talk about how we don't actually think for ourselves. Thinking is a relational activity. Our thoughts are in response to someone else's thoughts. Pastor Bob impressed upon us the importance of community. Isolation creates impoverished thinking. Community creates stimulation. Meeting together helps correct our distortions and point each other to the mind of Christ.