Navigating life isn’t easy.
In fact, it’s just the opposite. We don’t have it figured out, but like any group of folks, we’ve been through some hard stuff and wanted to share the resources we’ve found helpful as we were going through it. From health to broken relationships, as a group it’s either something we’ve faced or something one of us is experiencing right now. Below you’ll find the resources we’ve come across in our own journeys that we found helpful. We pray they’re helpful to you too.
Raising little ones. Those sweet little faces and tiny voices that just melt your heart. We all want to be the very best parents we can be with a new opportunity each day to answer those unexpected and sometimes tough questions, to discipline, and to sometimes just have a good laugh at the circumstances we find ourselves in. Below are some resources we’ve found helpful in answering our own questions as we journey through parenthood together.
The teen years can be incredibly tough. Middle school, High School. Growing up quickly, facing tough choices, needing parenting and equally not wanting it. Add to that a pandemic, cell phones, and an onslaught of divisive media. We’re in it with you. We’ve got teens ourselves. Below are resources we’ve found helpful.
This world is hard. The pressures are real. You may feel that those around you don’t get you, that while you’ve got tons of friends & people you’re connected to, somehow you may still feel isolated, alone. The questions you do have don’t seem worth bringing up to your friends because of the cancel culture that exists. We want you to know you are not alone. We’re here if you’d like to talk to someone and we’ve provided resources below to help offer some answers to the tough questions you may be asking.