2023 HSM + MSM Summer Beach Night


The following Liability Release and Media Release agreements apply to each student that you register for the 2023 HSM + MSM Summer Beach Nights (June 21 and July 26, 2023).

Liability Release

I expressly warrant that my child/ren that I am registering to participate in the HSM + MSM Summer Beach Night is/are capable of withstanding both the physical and mental demands of the activities. I also expressly assume all risks of said child/ren participating in the activities, whether such risks are known or unknown to me at this time. I further release Calvary Church of Los Gatos (“Calvary Church”) and its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers, and agents from any claim that my child/ren may have or that I may have against them as a result of injury or illness incurred during the course of participation in the activities. This release of liability shall include (without limitation) any claims of negligence or breach of warranty. This release of liability is also intended to cover all claims that members of the child/ren's or my family or estate, heirs, representatives, or assigns may have against Calvary Church or its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers, or agents.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Calvary Church and its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers, or agents from any and all claims arising from my participation in its activities and programs, or as a result of injury or illness of my child/ren during such activities.

In case of a medical emergency, I hereby give permission to Calvary Church and its agents to order treatment for my child/ren, or me, if I am a volunteer participant, including any necessary medical treatment, emergency transport, and x-rays. I also hereby give permission to Calvary Church and its agents to disclose the information contained on said child/ren’s registration to medical personnel. I understand that attempts will be made to reach me by phone in case of a medical emergency. I agree to pay all medical, hospital, or other expenses which my child/ren or I may incur because of such treatment.

Media Release

I grant Calvary Church and its agent’s permission to take photographs and/or videos of said child/ren while participating in HSM + MSM Summer Beach Nights. The photographs and/or videos may be used to promote the HSM + MSM Ministries via the website, social media, flyers, brochures, newsletters, presentations, and other marketing activities.

Refund Policy

·       No Refunds granted for cancellations

Next Steps to Register

·       Parents, you will be asked to enter your mobile phone number to receive a security code to log in or create a profile.

·       IF your student(s) are NOT listed in the "Attendees" section, click "Add New Household Member" to add the student(s) you are registering.

Need Assistance?  Email Julie Izor jizor@calvarylg.com