Why we give
We believe giving is an act of worship, giving back to God from what He has given us.
How to give
We are excited to announce we are streamlining all of our giving options to a single platform called Church Center. To give through Church Center, please find detailed instructions below.
Church Center Giving Instructions
Click Church Center Web
Click Log In in the menu to login or create a new account
Enter the Amount of your donation
Select the Fund where you would like your donation directed
To split your donation, use the “Add Donation” button to enter another Amount and Fund
Select the Frequency of your donation
Enter a Payment Method
Set up a Credit/Debit Card
Set up a Bank Transfer (ACH) – Please read following instructions
When using your bank account to give for the first time with Church Center Web, you must verify that you own the bank account. Depending on your bank, one of two verification processes will be used. This process will require you to login to Church Center to access your profile. Just follow the on-screen instructions.
1. Instant Verification: Bank accounts are verified using your login credentials for your bank's website. Most banks support instant verification, and there's no waiting time.
2. Manual (Micro-Deposit) Verification: For banks that don't support instant verification, manual verification will verify the account using a $0.01 ACH micro-deposit. This process generally takes 2-3 days since you must verify the account by entering the SM-code attached to the micro-deposit you receive
Text-To-Give is currently not an option for recurring donations.
You also have the option to cover the processing fee Calvary Church is charged to accept electronic payment methods.
For those with an existing recurring donation through PayPal, Text-To-Give, or a Bank Transfer, please see notes below.
If your current recurring donation is through PayPal or Text-To-Give/Kindrid, please terminate it.
If your current recurring donation is through a Bank Transfer (ACH) on our previous platform, please email Kristi Gill at kgill@calvarylg.com to request termination.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a Church Center app for my phone?
Yes, there is an app! Download here and login.
How can I view my giving history?
You can access your giving history on your My Giving page online or in the Church Center App. You will be required to enter your mobile phone number or email address to login.
How can I change or add payment methods for my giving?
Access Church Center on the web and click Log In in the menu to receive a verification code to login to your giving profile which includes your giving history and payment methods.
My spouse and I give jointly. Why can’t I see my spouse’s giving history?
To have visibility to your spouse’s giving history requires Calvary to “join”, or connect, your accounts in Church Center Giving. To request to have your donor account joined, please complete our Joint Donor Request form.
Does Calvary pay a processing fee when I give electronically either with a credit card or a bank transfer?
Yes, Calvary Church pays a processing fee anytime a credit/debit card or bank transfer is used to give. Bank transfers are 30 cents per transfer regardless of the gift amount. Credit/debit card fees are a percentage of the gift amount. You will have the option to pay the processing fees on behalf of Calvary when you submit your gift.
Is it possible to give through texting?
Currently, we do not offer text-to-give through Church Center.
Will I still be mailed a paper copy of my annual giving next year in 2024 with Church Center?
Beginning in 2024, you will need to request to have your annual statement mailed to you since the entirety of your annual giving will be visible in Church Center and you will be able to download a statement directly from Church Center.
Can I stop receipts being emailed to me for each donation since I have access to my giving history through Church Center?
Yes! In the Church Center app, you would look for the “Notifications” link in your profile and select “Giving” to view your options. From there, you can turn off emailed giving notifications or send to a different email address. In Church Center on the web, click Log In in the menu then open your profile using the account icon in the top right. Scroll down and select “My giving”, then select “Notifications” in the left-hand margin to change your options.