Faith is a journey and every road for every person is unique. Our prayer is for you to grow in your personal walk with God. To know him, to trust him, and grow in your relationship with him. Below are steps you can take to continue your faith journey and connect with our church family.



Prayer, put simply, is a conversation with God. He loves to hear from his children. People communicate with God using different methods: journaling, praying out loud, silently in their thoughts and out loud with others. How you pray is not what’s important. God cares about our hearts, is delighted when we speak to him, and simply wants us to trust him and spend time with him. Click below to find out more about prayer.


Reading the Bible

A big part of loving God is getting to know Him more, and the best way to do this is to listen to him in prayer and read His Word. The Bible enables us to read His truths directly and learn who He is for ourselves. The Bible version we read and teach from is NIV. While reading the Bible may feel intimidating or difficult to know where to start, we’re here to help! Click below to find out more.


Connecting with Others

We’d love to get to know you and get you connected with others. A great place to start is by looking through our ministries and finding out where you feel your heart being stirred. Whether you’re looking to join a group, volunteer to serve, or find connections for your family, we’re certain there’s a place for you! We believe church is a family and we’re so happy you’re here. Click below to learn more about how you can get involved!


We’d love to pray for you

We believe in the power of prayer and have seen God move in mighty ways. If there’s a situation you’re facing and you’d like prayer, simply fill out the form below and we’d love to pray for you.