Disagree Without Division
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff discusses the division that exists in our churches and how we as Christians can learn to navigate disagreements with one another while deepening our convictions.
Disagree Without Division | Jun 27, 2021
We know there is a division in culture. Beyond that, Satan is looking to divide within the church. As sons and daughters, forgiven by Jesus while we were still sinners, we are called to live differently. We are called to disagree differently. How do we do this? First and foremost, it can only be done with Holy Spirit. Spirit precedes technique or a strategy on how to have difficult conversations and disagree in love. If we don't have Holy Spirit guiding us, if our relationships are not rooted and grounded in love, we won't be able to disagree without division.
Disagree Without Division | Jul 4, 2021
Today we were given a 4 step model to help us organize a difficult conversation. The 4 steps are questions to ask in sequential order to help us relationally connect and understand one another prior to discussing the difficult and potentially divisive question. The four questions are: 1) What does this person believe? 2) Why does this person believe this? (How did the person arrive at these beliefs and these conclusions?) 3) Where do we agree with each other? (What common questions do we have? What common desires do we have? 4) What is the one thing I should say? With this person, at this time, under these circumstances, what is that one thing?
Most importantly, these conversations need to be Spirit led. Without Jesus' Spirit guiding us, we will be unable to have compassion, open hearts and minds, and the ability to listen and discuss, so that we can build unity even when we disagree.