Gospel of John

As we read through the gospel of John, it's important that we look at what Jesus teaches about the nature of God, and how we can come to know him. 

Becoming Like Jesus

Most Christians want to become more Jesus, but we don’t know how. God’s people have learned specific ways to go deeper and become more like Christ. These practices are commonly known as Spiritual Disciplines.


The Mentor Relationship

In this series, we hope to uncover the value of spiritual mentorship, the types of people you should pursue, and examples we see in the Bible of such relationships.


Loving Our Neighbors

Practicing God’s love for people by caring for those around us.

Sharing Our Faith

Jesus’ last words on this earth make sharing the Gospel a central undertaking of the Christian life. This series will explore how Jesus and the Apostles taught, and how we might share our faith more effectively in a post-Christian world.


Church: A Worshipping Community

Worship is an integral part of discipleship. The hope of this study is that we would see our opportunities to worship in every aspect of our lives.


Jesus said goodbye with this final command and encouragement: “but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) this combined with Matthew 28:18-20 are Jesus’ final instructions. In this series, we will unpack what the great commission is and what we are called to do about it.