25 adults took time from work to serve students for a week at Hume Lake last summer.
83 students and adults volunteered to serve preschool elementary kids for a week at Science Camp last summer.
17 adults faithfully served students every week in Middle School and High School ministries.
7 people who have lost a spouse faithfully ministered to others in GriefShare last year.
74 people served children regularly on Sunday mornings in Calvary Kids last year so that their parents could attend church.
38 people volunteered on the Worship or Tech Teams last year to create a meaningful worship experience for our church.
43 people from Calvary faithfully served guests at the House of Hope in 2023.
38 people gave time to go on a GO Team last year to serve others around the world.
16 new people committed to support a child in Ethiopia last year.
21 people helped create an environment of hospitality each week by welcoming people to church on the greeting team.
257 people enrolled in the Biblical Literacy course learning more about how to read the Bible.
125 people completed the Membership Course renewing their membership and taking a heightened role of ministry responsibility.
The Advent Podcast, focusing our hearts and minds on the arrival of Jesus, averaged 150 listeners over the course of the month of December.
In 2023 $2,912,428 was given to the General Fund making it possible to do ministry throughout the year. The expenses for the year were $2,911,328.
The Global Fund received $308,342 of the expected budget of $346,000.
Expenses were $352,020 (we were able to continue fully supporting our 30 Global Partners from a remaining carry forward in that budget).
The budget for 2024 General Fund is $3.1M, a 6% increase over giving from 2023.
The global outreach budget for 2024 is $328,500, a 6% increase over giving from 2023.
There are 34 kids in Ethiopia who still need sponsorships.