“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7


New to Calvary Kids?


Upcoming Events…

5th Grade Transition to MSM // Wednesday Nights, 7-8:30pm
As further part of the transition to middle school, we invite our 5th graders to join our middle school group every Wednesday from 7-8:30p. For more information, please reach out to Alicia (aprice@calvarylg.com).

3rd-5th Grade Spring Event // May 10th, 6-8pm
Save the date! Our 3rd-5th graders are invited for a fun time together at Funtropolous on May 10th from 6-8pm. The cost is $25 which includes admission and dinner. If your child is interested in playing arcade games or purchasing snacks, please send them with extra money. Friends are always welcome!

Women’s Brunch // May 18th, 10am - 12pm 
Hey, moms, grandmas, aunts, and female friends! We invite you to join us for a special women’s brunch on May 18th. It promises to be a special time of gathering together, enjoying a wonderful meal together, and building friendship and connection with one another. We’d love for you to come! Please RSVP here by May 12th.

5th Grade Milestone Lunch // May 19th, 12:30-2pm 
Our 5th Grade Milestone will be held on May 19th from 12:30-2pm. We will have lunch together in celebration as your 5th grader makes the transition to Middle School. We would love to come alongside you during this transition and remind students that God has uniquely created them and designed a place for them in His Church. Please sign up by May 6th. 

Promotion Sunday // June 9th
Promotion Sunday will be held on June 9th. This means if your child is in Kindergarten - 12th grade, your child will be considered to be in the grade they will be entering in Fall 2024. As such, they will be invited to participate in the activities attributed to those grades. This has special significance if your child is in Kindergarten and 5th grade as they will be moving locations:

  • Kindergarteners are invited upstairs to The Zone (1st-5th Grade Room)

  • 5th Graders are invited to the MSM (Middle School Ministries) Room

Opportunity to Serve

Are you interested in serving at Calvary? We are in need of 4 Elementary leaders and 5 Infants-Kindergarten leaders to serve in our Calvary Kids ministry. The commitment is for two Sundays a month, however if that commitment does not work for you, we would love for you to apply as a substitute. If you are an adult who is interested in serving in this way, we invite you to apply here.

At this time, we are specifically in need of adults. However, we always encourage our students to get involved in serving the church as well. If you have a student in 6th-12th grade, we would love for you to have them apply here.

May Update

An May Note from Our Family Ministries Pastor

Go and make disciples of all the nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to do all the things I have told you. And I am with you always, even to the end of the world. (Matthew 28:19-20)

The word disciple simply means “a follower or student of a teacher.” In these verses, Jesus commands us to go out in our daily lives and make disciples, teaching them about Jesus. I have always loved mentoring and coaching others in their walks with God. It is a vital part of who I am and who God created me to be. When I had four children, that was magnified. My new and awesome responsibility became discipling my own four children to become followers of Jesus. They are watching, learning, and listening to the way I live my life. They are watching closely what I say, share, model, and give my energy to. Because of this, I strive to be very intentional with our family time. I use our drives, our walks, and every moment I can to point them to Jesus.

It's a difficult job, but I must be louder than what tries to compete for their attention. I don’t want TV, the internet, or video games to disciple my children, so I spend as much time as I can weaving our faith into the everyday moments of our lives. I am not perfect in this, and many times it's a challenge, but with the strength of God and support from our faith community, I keep pressing on. I strive to continue to be intentional. My husband and I want our children to be followers of Jesus, and it starts with us.

I encourage you to consider these questions: How are you making disciples? Are you able to focus time throughout the day to walk alongside your child/children and have faith conversations? What are some steps you can take this month to be intentional about discipling them and encouraging their walk with the Lord?

We are here to journey with you and support you in any way we can. Raising disciples is not an easy task, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you have any questions, please reach out to us. We are praying for you!

Cori Reed


What We’re Learning this Month in Calvary Kids

May Challenge // Commitment

“Growing in faith is not something that happens by simply cramming more information about the Bible into your kid’s brains. All of that knowledge in their head means nothing if we don’t help them experience how that knowledge can transform their heart.” (Orange Curriculum) To experience faith, we want our Calvary Kids to practice their faith, and that takes commitment.

This month our challenge to our Calvary Kids and their families is to do one prayer activity each week for the month of May. You can find those activities below. If they complete all the prayer activities, they can get a prize at the end of the month!


Preschool-Kindergarten //

Key Question: Who loves you?
Bottom Line: God loves me.

Memory Verse: “I (point up) will always (draw circles with finger pointing up) love You (cross arms over chest),” Jeremiah 31:3. (Open hands like a book.)

Elementary //

Life Application: Commitment—making a plan and putting it into practice

Memory Verse: "Training the body helps you in some ways, but serving God helps you in every way.  Serving God brings you blessings in this life and in the future life, too.” 1 Timothy 4:8 (ICB)

Calvary Kids Spotlights

Leader Spotlight

We would love for you to get to know the people who live out the love of Christ by serving every month in Calvary Kids. Check out this month’s Leader Spotlight!

Jill Davenport
Infants-Kindergarten Leader

Mary Manohar
1st-5th Grade Leader


Family Spotlight

We want you to have the chance to get to know Calvary Kids families in the same stage of life as you. Check out this month’s Family Spotlight!


The Clark Family
(6 months old & 2.5 years)

The Thomas Family
(Kindergarten, 2nd & 4th Grade)


Calvary Kids Milestones

Our Family Ministries have identified 6 major milestones for our church community where we can celebrate important life transitions and equip families by encouraging discussions around the challenges of raising a family in faith. Below are 4 milestones dedicated to our Calvary Kids:

Child Dedication:
God has uniquely prepared you to raise your child in faith. Children under age 5.

Preschool Milestone:
Laying the foundations for a lifetime of faith. Children 3 years old - TK.

Kindergarten Milestone:
Weaving faith into daily routines as we celebrate entering elementary school. Fall of your child’s Kindergarten year.

5th Grade Milestone:
Reminding students that God has uniquely created them and designed a place for them in His church. Spring of 5th grade year.

To learn about our Student Milestones, click here.

Ministry Staff


Amy Dresden
Preschool Coordinator




We’d Love to Connect

Want to stay in the loop for Calvary Kids? Don’t want to miss an event?


Text Updates //

Nursery-Kindergarten: Text @nursery-ks to 81010
1st and 2nd grade: Text @1-2calvary to 81010
3rd and 4th grade: Text @3-4calvary to 81010
5th grade: Text @5thcalvary to 81010

Monthly Email Parent Updates //